What Does Your Name, Date, Month and Year of Birth has to say about you??
As per the numerologists, numbers are said to play the most significant role in our day-to-day life, where each of the number from 1 to 9 have different meanings to say. The calculation of a few numbers taking your birth date into consideration, speaks about your personality, character, nature, & positive & negative qualities.
Every letter is assigned with a unique number that helps you calculate the destiny number and life path number. If you are interested to know “what does my name say about who I am??” then below are the steps to learn about your personality;
- Take the sum of the numbers that correspond with the letters in your first name.
Eg: Kiran= 2+9+9+1+5= 26
- Add together the digits in the resulting sum to get a single digit
2+6= 8
- Repeat the same process for your surname
Kumar= 2+3+4+1+9= 19
- Add together the digits in the resulting sum to get a single digit
1+9= 10, 1+0= 1
- Lastly, add the resulting numbers of your name & surname, until you get a single digit,
8+1= 9
This single digit denotes your “destiny number”. Moreover, the numbers 11 and 22 are considered to be the master numbers that has a great influence on your personality & other aspects. Date, Month and Year of birth of are used to calculate your life path number.
- Note down your month, date and year of birth in a numeric order,
Eg: 09/13/1991
- Add together the numbers of you birth date
09/13/1991= 0+9+1+3+1+9+9+1= 33
- Furthermore, add the two digit number to get a single digit or number 11 or 22 as the answer.
33= 3+3= 6
Have a look at what the below numbers have to summarize about your character, strengths and personality with date of birth;
Number 1- Highly independent, confident, creatively unique, dominating nature.
Number 2- Problem solvers, caring, loving, diplomatic & sensitive nature.
Number 3- More social, generous, fun-loving, adventurous, impartial.
Number 4- Personality number 4 represents a person to be practical, dependable, grounded, stubborn, overconfident.
Number 5- Love adventure, visionary, dynamic, flexible, free-spirited.
Number 6- Personality number 6 denoted responsible, self-sacrificing, charismatic, emotional is said to be the.
Number 7- Original, over-thinking, analytical, charming, spiritual.
Number 8- Dominating, ambitious, practical, affectionate, loner.
Number 9- Broad-minded, generous, selfless, energetic, compassionate.
Number 11- Driven leader, have intuition, understands all sides of situation
Number 22- Stands for vision & ability to make that vision a reality, deeply spiritual.