The word “Chakra” in Sanskrit corresponds to a wheel. According to the Eastern spiritual philosophy, there are seven chakras aligned along the human spine. Chakras can be visualized as the nerve centers across your body which necessitates a smooth flow of energy.
The chakras in the body can be felt. They are the energy centers of the body. They rotate at a high speed if unblocked by negative energies. They are like the power generators of the body, as energy mobilization happens through them.
All of these chakras are connected just as much as all the body organs are connected. It is very important to open the chakras and make them fluid. Often when our emotions are out of balance, these centers become blocked which can manifest as illness, aches or pains in the body, so it’s important to know which and how we can balance them.
Awareness about balance and imbalance of these main chakras can contribute to the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well being.
Apart from the 7 chakras that most people are aware of, there are minor chakras as well, such as the hand chakras. They are considered as secondary chakras. Anyone who has little knowledge about the hand chakras can let out energy and can heal people.
Hands are the midpoint for multiple chakras. The primary chakras are positioned at the center of each palm. The others are located at each joint.
Healers often use hands in healing by transforming energy through the chakras. Just like the other chakras, it allows you to transfer energy and interact with the world wherein it involves an act of giving and receiving energy.
It is believed that the healthy hand chakras are marked as honesty, inspiration, and confidence. If somebody is not able to transform energy, it indicates that they lack creativity and inability to express their feelings and do not get connected with the world and other people in the surrounding.
These days, it’s incredibly difficult to keep these chakras balanced as we’re all rushing around, worried about what others would think of us and not take adequate time out for ourselves, but there are ways you can do it that are incredibly simple.