Reveal the Unknown Facts of the Most Powerful Chakra Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Chakra is the ancient art of aligning the body with seven energy centers. But what is the significance of Chakra and how does it affect each of the Zodiac signs & our body as well?? Chakra basically stabilizes our emotional & physical factors focusing to accelerate the main source of power.
This “Wheel of Energy” is assigned to every individual depending on the Zodiac signs & astrology. To name, there are seven chakras beginning at the base and stepping towards one’s head, that have control over your entire body,
- Sahasrara Chakra - Crown
- Ajna Chakra - Third Eye
- Vishuddha Chakra - Throat
- Anahata Chakra - Heart
- Manipura Chakra - Solar Plexus
- Swadhisthana Chakra - Sacral
- Muladhara Chakra - Root
To speak about the Zodiac sign Taurus, this is the second sign with Venus as its ruling planet describes the person to be affectionate & loving. This planet controls the “Heart Chakra” assigned to the Taurus & Libra sign. This fourth Taurus chakra lies in the center of the chest which says you are highly open-minded, friendly and always think positively.
Also called the Vishuddha Chakra, people associated with this chakra are extremely aggressive like the ‘bull’ at times. But on the other side, these individuals are scared & fear a lot while making decisions when compared to other individuals. They always have a backup of another plan thinking that the previous plan may not work. Activating their throat chakra is the only thing they can do to overcome the fear-based thinking.
Relationships and Security
When it comes to the relation and security, Taurus are always in search of a secure, stable & long term relation. Their incline towards loyal relationships and peaceful nature is what keeps their relation growing. At times, they are very possessive & jealous feeling insecure about their partner.
Possessing a magnetic and feminine attraction
Venus planet is the Goddess of Love that denotes beauty, charm, pleasures, etc. and this is why the individuals with this chakra need not take much effort to display their attitudes. Being very helpful & loyal in nature, they always believe in long-term relations, hence are highly attached & protective about their loved ones.
Metals and crystals associated with the Heart Chakra
Copper is the metal that is closely related to the Venus planet which channels the forces of Love in spells & rituals. On the other hand, Quartz can be also used, which helps in healing & unblocking heart problems. To mention, Emerald is one of the Taurus chakra stones that aids in bringing prosperity and healing your life.