Did you know that the chakras, colors and zodiac signs are inter-related?
The word Chakra in the Sanskrit language refers to a wheel. These points of energy are positioned in various parts of our body. They are lined up right from the bottom of the spine up to the head area. These 7 chakras manage the overall activities of our body and it is said that the better the balance in the chakras the better will be our life.
Every chakra in our body is assigned a specific task and it is said that chakras have a strong connection with colors and musical notes. Yog gurus and experts state that meditation is the most effective way to activate these chakras. According to Vedic astrology, the activated chakras and our zodiac signs have a connection. There are specific colors that can make a huge difference in our day to day lives.
So, let’s see how colors are connected with chakras and zodiac sign:
Manipura is the chakra related to the zodiac Aries & Scorpio. This chakra is located in the lower abdomen of the body and the colors that suit this chakra are orange, red and yellow. Hence, people of these zodiacs are advised to wear red coral and energize their chakras.
Anahata Chakra which is located right at the center of the chest is connected to the zodiacs Taurus and Libra. The colors associated with this chakra are green and pink. Pink diamond and green emerald are the most suitable gemstones for Taurus and Libra natives.
Visuddha Chakra is associated with sun signs Gemini and Virgo. Yellow, as well as sky blue colors, are the compatible colors of this chakra. Natives of these zodiacs are advised to wear celestite and turquoise to get maximum benefits from the connected chakra.
Ajna Chakra is connected to Cancer Zodiac and it is present between eyebrows. White, black and blue are the colors associated with this chakra and it controls the physic skills and eyesight of a person.
Sahasrara Chakra which is at the top of the head is related to the sun sign Leo. The colors that go well with this chakra are red, gold and purple. Leo natives can get positive results by wearing orange calcite, ruby, and garnet.
Swadhisthanna Chakra is connected to the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. This chakra is found below the navel and has controls over taste. Blood red and purple are the colors associated with this chakra and Yellow sapphire, as well as red goldstone, are the gemstones related to Swadhisthanna Chakra.
Muladhara Chakra is associated with rashis like Capricorn and Aquarius. The chakra has control over the sense of smelling and it is present at the bottom of the spine. Brown, black and green are the colors related to Muladhara Chakra and gemstones like hessonite and green emerald are compatible with this chakra.