Check out what your name can tell you about your future?
The basis for any calculation is number and in numerology these numbers play a very significant role in analysing the personality of a person. Every number in numerology has a symbol and a specific vibration & influence. Numerologists state that, the date of birth and the time of birth of a person is considered to find out how his/her future would be.
In addition to the numbers, alphabets are also used to study about a person’s life. One can see that in numerology every alphabet has a number assigned to it and are permanent, the values do not change.
Below is given the Alphabet Numerology value:
One is the numerical number for the alphabetical letters A, I, Q, J, Y while letters like B, K and R are represented by number 2. Three is the numerical value for the letters S, C, G, L and for the letters D, M and T four is the numerical value. Five is the number for E, H, N and X while 6 is for U, V, W. Seven is the number for O and Z and 8 is the number of letters P and F.
Using these numerical values of letters, one can have a clear understanding of their destiny including their career, love life, family and so on. Using these numbers one can calculate birthday number, heart number, Destiny number and maturity number.
Birth number gives us a clear picture of how our life is going to be right from the day of birth till we breathe our last. The time of birth decides if we are going to witness growth, happiness, poverty or struggles in our life. According to the Numerology, the first letter of a name briefs us about the personality of that person and what is his/her perspective towards life. This first letter of the name is called Cornerstone.
The last letter of the name is called Capstone and it denoted how capable we are in taking things to the finishing point. Also, the number of letters between the Cornerstone and Capstone determine how much time does a person take to accomplish any given task.
One can also get a deeper understanding about the name by checking each and every letter of your name, its numerical value and the vibration it carries.