Surya Puja ( Chhath Puja)
₹3600 | $57
Sun or Surya Dev is a god that is the bringer of life. All the living beings, flora, fauna, humans, plants, as well as animals, will never be able to survive without the powerful Sun. Hence, he is also considered as the God of Energy. In order to give him honour and pay tribute to him, Chhath puja is accomplished. It is also known as Dala Chhath or Surya Sashti.
As per the Hindu lunar calendar, the Chhath puja is held in Kartik maas and holds a high importance. Numerous devotees observe this puja in order to show their gratitude towards Surya Dev for the happy and healthy life on Earth. The devotees also follow this puja to get good health, prosperity and progress of family, elders and relatives.
Benefits offered by Chhath PujaThere are various benefits of doing this puja. Let’s explore the same with the following points:
Mental happiness can be gained by observing the vrat and puja.
It detoxifies the body and helps achieve better health.
- Removes negative emotions and thoughts from the mind and soul.
- Bring drastic improvement in the will power and mental ability.
- Improve various situations of life.
- Gives lift in the various prospects of the career.
- Help gaining fame and name in a huge way.
- Purifies the soul and keeps ego away from you.
- Motivates the positive attitude in you and encourages working for charitable events.
- Academic results and related prospects get a boost.
- Financial issues get resolved.
- Financial success and health can be easily achievable.
- Personal and professional life will never encounter any hurdle in the path of success.
- Grah dosh can be eradicated very easily.
- The relationship among the family members improves drastically
- Chhath puja has also proved its miracle when skin infection is concerned.
- It has reduced or eliminated the skin infections in a drastic way.
The puja accentuates the pranic flow in the body, which helps regulate the hormones. This helps calm the body in a great way. Not only the soul. The eyesight also improves in a remarkable way.
Origin & History of Chhath PujaChhath puja has a great significance in the Hindu religion. Its history can be dragged to the Mahabharata. It is believed that the rituals were initiated by the great son of Surya Dev, Karna. He was the king of Angadesh, which is Munger district of the present Bihar, and a great warrior who was also known as daanveer. He never hesitated to gift anyone anything. According to the Puranas, Pandavas along with Draupadi celebrated this auspicious puja in order to regain their reign over the lost kingdom, Hastinapur.Not only in Mahabharata, Surya Puja is also mentioned in the Ramayana. When Lord Rama and Mata Sita returned from the 14 years exile, they observed the Chhath puja fast in unison. They worshipped Surya Dev on Kartik Maas during Shukla Paksha.
The Rituals of the Chhath PujaThe puja will be conducted by experienced and expert pandits abiding all the rules and regulations mentioned in the Puranas and Vedas.
After ordering the puja, a confirmation mail will be sent to you via email along with a link that will enable you to watch the puja live. After accomplishing the puja in a successful manner, the prasada will be sent to your home through courier.
The prasada will include the energised Surya Yantra.
Our Promises
We take utmost care to ensure that your devotion and reverence reaches God in its true spirit.
Steps we take:
- Ensure that the Puja is performed by qualified and experienced pundits only.
- Make sure that Puja is performed according to Vedic rituals.
- Make use of superior quality ‘Samagri’ to perform the Puja.
- Take Utmost care that the Puja is performed at the correct time (Mahurat) for best results.
- Provide support and guidance to our clients at every step.
Kapil Kansal
I really thank you for chanting the mantra on behalf of us. We have a sense of satisfaction after this mantra jaap.
Ajay Gupta
I was working very hard but wasn’t able to achieve success, and then I came to know about the rituals that are supposed to be followed. Now, I see a change in my career after performing this puja.
Trilochan Singh
After I came to know about the puja that would get me out of the ill effects, we started performing this puja at our home every year. Thank you.
Rao Mukherji
The puja has really brought in peace and contentment at home. We have started experiencing positivity.
Mitali Chaturvedi
Thank you for letting us know the immense benefit of performing puja. We are organizing it in our home every year.
FAQs is an astrology based online web portal, which provides umpteen event related pujas and horoscope related services. We have an array of renowned astrologers who serve all your astrology related queries through an online website, telephone calls, skype calls and App. as an interface between you and the astrologer. When you choose a specific online puja on our website, we send you a confirmation mail, which contains all the details about the puja, along with an online link where you can see the puja online (this link is provided in case the puja is not place specific). Also, you will get various dos and don’ts, in the mail, that you need to follow during the puja. On the completion of the puja, Prasad will be couriered to you at the address provided.
We conducts all the rites and rituals at the places mentioned in the pujas (otherwise, at a specific place which has been spiritually purified and energized in accordance with Vastu principles)
Yes, you can attend your puja in person. If you can't attend, your family members or friends can. You may even opt for Live streaming of puja being performed.
In case of any issues, please reach out to us through our Contact Us Page or please call our toll free number – 8800870210 – to speak to our customer care executives for the requisite assistance.
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